PseAA: Generating pseudo amino acid composition
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Select or input the following parameters
PseAA mode
Type 1 (?)     Type 2 (?)
Dipeptide-composition (?) 
Amino acid character (?)
Hydrophobicity Hydrophilicity Mass
pK1 (alpha-COOH) pK2 (NH3) pI (at 25oC)
Weight factor (?)
Lambda parameter (?)

Input protein sequences in FASTA (?) format (maximum 500 proteins for each submission): 
  1. Hong-Bin Shen and Kuo-Chen Chou. PseAAC: a flexible web-server for generating various kinds of protein pseudo amino acid composition. Analytical Biochemistry, 2008, 373: 386-388.
  2. Kuo-Chen Chou. Prediction of protein cellular attributes using pseudo-amino-acid-composition. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 2001, 43: 246-255.
  3. Kuo-Chen Chou. Using amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition to predict enzyme subfamily classes, Bioinformatics, 2005, 21: 10-19.
  4. Kuo-Chen Chou. Prediction of Protein Subcellular Locations by Incorporating Quasi-Sequence-Order Effect, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2000, 278: 477-483.
Contact @ Hong-Bin